Click here to donate via my JustGiving.com page
My name is Eddie and I hate romantic comedies. Boy meets girl, girl meets... oh I've lost interest already. Formulaic, predictable and pointless mulch, I'd rather watch films about massive spaceships blowing each other up any day.
Most people, when they're raising money for charity, do something physically unpleasant and arduous. Unfortunately, any physical exertion I would attempt would end in embarrassing and humiliating vomiting five minutes in, wrapped in a silver foil blanket. The best I can offer is being forced to do something I would never want to do for 24 hours straight while people point and laugh, and my wife has decided that this will be watching fluffy rom-coms.
1) No sleeping or indeed doing anything other than watching the endless telly.
2) No drinking beer to lessen the pain. The only alcohol allowed is the booze these films are made to be quaffed with, namely Lambrini.
3) A 15 minute break in between films for tea making, snacking or toilet. Other than that, I must remain glued to the screen.
4) I'll be blogging here throughout the marathon, posting thoughts and pictures on my personal hell. Maybe I'll start to really enjoy it, we'll see.
I don't think watching 24 hours of one type of film is going to be easy, in fact I may go mad. It'll be interesting to find out.
I will be starting this marathon on THURSDAY 29th OCTOBER 2009 from 9AM - FRIDAY 9AM. Do tune in to this blog to see what happens!
The list of films will be decided by my wife Louise closer to the time. Come back here nearer the time to see what she's come up with. I dread to think.
Of course the whole challenge is going to a very good cause.
"AVERT’s Community Programme supports and builds partnerships with local organisations who are working to directly avert the spread of HIV, and to improve the treatment, care and support of people infected with, or affected by HIV/AIDS. AVERT’s partnerships take place in areas of extremely high, or rapidly increasing rates of HIV infection, in Africa and India.
AVERT also provides a wide range of information to educate people about HIV/AIDS across the world. AVERT’s Information and Advocacy Service also provides help and advice to the general public through specific enquiries, as well as campaigning for improved responses on specific issues, such as preventing children being born with HIV."
If you're interested or amused by this stupid challenge I've set myself, then please do take the time to donate whatever you can afford to this excellent charity, and help prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS within the developed and developing world.
I have set up a donation page here:
If you have any questions at all, you can comment on this blog, or email me at eddie.green@gmail.com
See you on Thursday October 29th at 9AM!
wow!! that's really great to know about it. I know I'm quite late but next time i'll love to take the challenge.